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Mohs Surgery & Placental-Based Allografts: A Review on Patient Selection, Current Evidence, and Documentation

Mohs surgery is considered the most effective technique for treating many basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) and squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), the two most common types of skin cancer. Join us for a webinar and Q&A to learn how placental-based allografts can be helpful in supporting closure for Mohs surgery defects in a subset of patients who are not good candidates for traditional methods of autologous tissue reconstruction. This presentation will focus on patient selection, current evidence, and documenting the use of placental-based allografts.

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On average, what percentage of your patients are not good candidates for flaps or grafts following Mohs surgery?
Do you currently use skin substitutes (placental allografts, xenografts, etc.) in your practice?
What do you consider the main factor when choosing a skin substitute?

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  • John Adams portrait
    John R. Adams
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